Johanna Wollin, Tortuga Storytelling performing on stage


Tortuga Storytelling Logo

Johanna Wollin is Peruvian-german storyteller who turned her passion into her profession. Now she tells folk tales, myths and legends for adults and children – in German, Spanish and English. Since 2016 she has completed the annual course with Erzählkunst e.V. (Association of the Art of Storytelling), as well as the Certificate “Artistic Storytelling – Storytelling in Art and Education” at the University of Arts Berlin, and co-hosted the monthly Berlin storytelling event Erzählbühne. She brings stories to schools, e.g. as part of the project ErzählZeit (Time for Storytelling), but also in cafés, museums, parks, community centers, theaters, libraries, festivals, both within Germany and abroad – wherever stories are needed.

StoryOase 2023 tortuga storytelling auf der Bühne

© Alex Lipp


Johanna Wollin auf der Bühne
© Thomas Köstler

Zwischen den Stühlen



Aegis Café

Hafengasse 19

89073 Ulm

(Deutsch / Spanisch)

Die schreiblustige Ameise


15 Uhr


Oststraße 28

49477 Ibbenbüren


Die schreiblustige Ameise


15 Uhr

Stadtbücherei Sprockhövel

Gevelsberger Str. 13

45549 Sprockhövel




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